125 pages 4 hours read

James Patterson, Kwame Alexander

Becoming Muhammad Ali

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2020

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Round 2

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Round 2, Introduction Summary

In the section’s prose introduction, Lucky explains that losing to Green makes Cassius work even harder. He doesn’t drink soda because of the sugar, nor does he smoke. Every night, he goes to bed at 10 p.m.

Lucky and Cassius are always together, especially, as Lucky explains, when they go downtown, which is the white part of Louisville. Everyone seems to be watching them there, expecting them to mess up. One day, as they walk past a bike shop, Cassius stops to admire the merchandise, touching the handlebars of brand-new bicycle. The owner and his wife come out, shooing them off.

Lucky and Cassius live in the West End, which is a mostly Black part of Louisville. It is one of the only areas in the city where banks are willing to offer loans to African Americans so that they can buy a house there. Many businesses are still segregated. Lucky explains that when Cassius was five, he was crying outside a store. When his mother went in to ask for a glass of water for the boy, she was refused service. She thought that Cassius would forget the incident, but Cassius never has. 

Round 2, Poem 10 Summary: “Granddaddy Herman’s Living Room”

As the narrative turns to verse, Cassius says that his grandfather’s home feels “like a church” (25). Cassius and his brother, Rudy, make up the congregation, and they listen to the blues playing on Herman’s radio. His grandfather tells Cassius poems and stories, explaining both United States history and his own history. They all emphasize the importance of understanding who you are, where you’re headed, and where you’ve been.

Round 2, Poem 11 Summary: “Where I’m From”

Each stanza in this poem begins with “I am from” (28-29). Cassius thinks of his home and his city, imagining pink houses and sharing one small bathroom with his family (28). He is from Louisville, a place of baseball and the Kentucky Derby.

He descends from two other Cassius Clays in his father and in the man his father was named for—a white abolitionist named Cassius Marcellus Clay. He is “from slavery to freedom” (29). He imagines himself as made up of his father’s dreams and his mother’s hopes.

Round 2, Poem 12 Summary: “My Momma”

In this poem, Cassius describes his mother, Odessa “Bird” Clay. He says that she is constantly smiling and that she loves to cook (30). She is small physically, but he sees how big her heart is. She sings beautifully each Sunday at Mount Zion Baptist Church.

Round 2, Poem 13 Summary: “She Says the Day I Was Born”

During Cassius’s birth, the doctors had to use forceps, leaving a small bruise on his cheek. The bruise caused him enough pain that, as a newborn, his cries caused the other babies in the newborn ward to cry too. When Odessa recounts this to Cassius, she says that he was probably crying out so that other Black babies would hear that it was time to stand up and be noticed in the world.

Round 2, Poem 14 Summary: “After That”

The next poem picks right up after the last. The bruise he received from the doctor, Cassius says, is the last one he ever let someone put on his face.

Round 2, Poem 15 Summary: “Cassius Clay vs. Odessa ‘Bird’ Clay”

On March 14, 1943, when Cassius was one year old, he accidentally hit his mother in the face and knocked out her front tooth.

Round 2, Poem 16 Summary: “When Bird Gets Mad”

Cassius continues to meditate on his mother, who uses his full name—Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.—only when she’s angry. Other times, she calls him “Gee-Gee” (35). Cassius thinks that it foreshadows his future as a Golden Gloves champion.

Round 2, Poem 17 Summary: “My Brother, Rudy”

Rudy is Cassius’s younger brother by two years. They are “inseparable—and our / parents’ brightest hope” (36).

Round 2, Poem 18 Summary: “Now, My Daddy”

Cassius turns his attention to introducing his father, Cassius “Cash” Marcellus Clay Sr. He is the opposite of his wife, standing six feet tall. He is an emotive man, often joking, singing, or yelling (37). He sometimes spends Saturdays drinking with his friends, not appearing again until Sunday morning. For work, he paints billboards and store signs, having done many in Louisville, and he enjoys his job. 

Round 2, Poem 19 Summary: “Signs My Father Painted”

Cassius lists off some signs that his dad has painted, interspersing businesses with more political ones and showing that his father often must create signs like “Colored Waiting Room” and “Whites Only” (39). 

Round 2, Poem 20 Summary: “Some Sundays”

Sometimes, Cash arrives home on Sundays still drunk from the night before. Bird asks if he’s going to fix something that’s broken, and he ignores her, going to Cassius’s grandfather’s house. Cassius and Rudy go with him so they can spend time with their grandfather, listening to his stories.

Round 2, Poem 21 Summary: “Growing Up”

When Rudy turned one, the Clays moved into a new house. There, Cassius and Rudy played with their pet chicken and their dog, Rusty. Cassius loved the vegetable garden with its snap beans and onions “that I loved to eat, / raw” (42).

Round 2, Poem 22 Summary: “Everything”

Living in the West End provided a safe place for the Clays, where Cassius could grow up. It was “where / we played / and prayed / and went to school / and grew up” (43). However, every so often, they would “cross a line”—presumably a racial boundary between the predominantly Black and predominantly white neighborhoods—and Cassius would wonder why they couldn’t play there too. 

Round 2, Poem 23 Summary: “The Other Side”

When Rudy was finally old enough that he and Cassius could play together in their neighborhood alone, they would usually go to Chickasaw Park. However, one day Cassius decides that they should go to Fontaine Ferry Park because it has amusement rides. He has never been there, even though it’s located right next to the West End.

He and Rudy tell Bird that they are going to their grandfather’s, which they plan on doing after going to Fontaine Ferry Park.

When they arrive, they see a “Whites Only” sign with two armed police officers, who ensure that they don’t enter (45).

Round 2, Poem 24 Summary: “Later That Day”

In a short, one-stanza poem, Cassius recounts chopping wood with Granddaddy Herman the same day. His “sermon”—the story he tells—is one Cassius will never forget (46).

Round 2, Poem 25 Summary: “Two Louisvilles”

In italics, the poem details Granddaddy Herman’s sermon.

Herman explains that African American boys can play in Chickasaw Park, but they can never play in Shawnee Park or Boone Square. No matter how much they want to go to Fontaine Ferry Park, with its rides and attractions, they will never be allowed.

The third stanza is one line: “Boys, there’s two Louisvilles (47).

There is a Louisville where it is safe to be Black and a Louisville where racism is so prevalent that African Americans are not welcome there. Small but obvious signs of discrimination permeate the white Louisville.

Granddaddy Herman ends by reminding the boys to remember who they are, who their family is, and where they come from.

Round 2, Poem 26 Summary: “I Want to Be Rich”

Still in the past, Cassius tells Rudy he wants to be rich as they talk in the backyard about being famous. This, they think, will force the white patrons of Fontaine Ferry Park to let them in. They imagine what it would be like to be Chuck Berry, though neither can sing or dance. However, they both like to slap-box. They could become rich and buy the park “so that any kid / could get into Clay Park / and ride the rides” (51).

Round 2, Poem 27 Summary: “Momma Hollered’

The sound of Bird’s voice interrupts Cassius and Rudy’s visions of the future, calling them to go to bed. Cassius, feeling sly, tells Rudy “DON’T MOVE” because there is a snake right next to his head (53). Rudy immediately jumps up and screams, running into the house. Rudy forgets about Fontaine Ferry Park, but Cassius never does.

Round 2 Analysis

Round 2 introduces Cassius’s family and its dynamics. Between his two parents, Cassius is closest with his mother; she believes in his dreams to do great things, as is evident in Poem 13. From the day that Cassius was born, Odessa saw his potential as a leader, telling him that his cries as a baby were “a rallying cry / to all my little soldiers / for all the brown babies / in the world / to stand up / and be counted” (32). She is tough on him, but his descriptions in this section build on a conversation she has with Lucky in Round 1, when she says that Cassius has promised to buy her a nice new house when he becomes the world heavyweight champion.

The theme of Becoming the Greatest and Overcoming Oppression is also developed in this section in descriptions of the discrimination that Cassius faces growing up in Louisville. While Rudy can move past their inability to access Fontaine Ferry Park, Cassius cannot. He holds onto the memory of being excluded, using it as motivation and wishing to overcome the oppression he and others like him experience. Granddaddy Herman’s sermon on the “two Louisvilles” is also a key moment for Cassius, as it effectively expresses the reality of living in a city where racial discrimination is rampant. He gives very specific examples of what that experience is like, further illustrating what Cassius and his family contends with as African Americans. For example, there is a Louisville “where you roller-skate / outside your house” and a Louisville “where you’re not allowed / inside the local rink” (48). Using moments like this emphasizes that racism is not an unusual or once-in-a-while experience; rather, it permeates daily life in Louisville.

Herman also offers insight into the Clay family’s history, connecting Cassius back not only to his ancestors but to the man after whom he and his father were named. He underscores that it was not so long ago that the enslavement of Black individuals was legal, given that his father was held in bondage before emancipation in 1865. Altogether, Herman is the one to remind Cassius and Rudy to “Know who you are, boys. / And whose you are. / Know where you’re going / and where you’re from. / Amen. Amen. Amen” (49).

In Round 9, Poem 134—also titled “Amen. Amen. Amen.”—Cassius returns to this sermon as he prepares to depart for Chicago, showing the impact that Granddaddy Herman had on his life. He can trace his history back several generations, and it is both for them and for himself that he works to become a boxer. At this point in the novel, Cassius wishes to be rich and famous to gain access to places that he isn’t able to now. He recognizes the injustice of segregation, but it isn’t until Emmett Till’s murder that he sees boxing as a way out.

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