55 pages 1 hour read

Octavia E. Butler


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1979

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The Postmodern Blending of History and Science Fiction

The novel blurs the line between science fiction, historical fiction, dystopian fiction, and nonfiction so much that even Dana cannot tell the difference sometimes. She is caught between what she learned about slavery from history books and what she is actually experiencing in the past. The events in history books really happened, but it is hard to connect with that distant reality because we were not there to live it. Therefore, it becomes a kind of abstract fiction. In this case, Dana is living it, so it becomes truly real for her, which becomes confusing:

I felt as though I were losing my place here in my own time [1976]. Rufus's time was a sharper, stronger reality […] That was a stark, powerful reality that the gentle conveniences and luxuries of this house, of now, could not touch (191).

She fluctuates between historical immersion to detached observation constantly and in both times, which distorts reality.

Considering Butler is a Black woman entering the arena of science fiction in a time when it was mostly white and male, this distortion of reality and genre experimentation is critical and very much postmodern. The novel is Butler’s postmodern attempt to show that we must not forget the past in the name of futurity and progress. The past does not stay in the past; it continues to influence real lives today. Slavery is not something we just read about in history books; it really happened, and its effects are still being felt today. Through Butler’s blending of reality and fiction, we can clearly see the juxtaposition of past and present. Through Dana, we see that this juxtaposition is key: We can only “escape” the past by confronting it and using it to inform our future actions.

Predestination Versus Freewill

The novel constantly brings up the question of whether we are so influenced by our environment that we have no choice in our behavior, or whether we have the freewill to control our behavior despite our environment. We see this both in the enslaved people and in the slaveowners. The enslaved people literally have no freewill in their actions, as they are whipped, killed, or sold if they disobey their owners. However, Dana realizes enslaved people can have freedom of thought. At first, she judges Sarah for succumbing to the “Mammy” role and becoming complacent with her enslavement: “She was the kind of woman who would be held in contempt during the militant nineteen sixties […] the female Uncle Tom—the frightened powerless woman who had already lost all she could stand to lose” (145). Dana does not yet understand that physical submission can coexist with mental defiance. Sarah secretly expresses hatred for the Weylins in the privacy of the cookhouse, while she is also forced to accept the predestination of the era: that being born Black means one is an enslaved person. We see this wearing down into outward acceptance in Alice: She is defiant and runs away until she has Rufus’s children, accepting her seemingly predestined role as Rufus’s lover. She ultimately exercises what is left of her freewill by killing herself at the thought of losing her children. For enslaved people, freewill means private defiance as survival, or death.

For the slaveowners, predestination and freewill look much different. They must fight against the predestination set in tradition and white supremacy. Rufus will literally inherit his father’s plantation, but Dana believes he does not have to inherit his racist, violent behaviors. She acknowledges the power that the environment can have on a person when she fears for Kevin’s sanity and morality if he spends too much time in the past. Unlike with slavery where acceptance of fate is a wearing down, acceptance of racism is a wearing of, like the wearing of an outfit. Rufus puts this on because his parents and society have predestined him to do so. This allows him to easily blame his actions on others instead of taking responsibility himself. Thus, for the slaveowners, freewill means a conscious undoing of racist ideology, a choice to help rather than harm. Although Rufus fails to exercise his freewill in the face of learned racism, Butler seems to believe that the way to do this is by keeping the past present.

The Persistent Connection of Family

The endurance of family is part of the meaning of the novel's title. Dana's connection to Rufus is so powerful and persistent, it transcends time and space; they truly are kindred. We see several other family relationships that also transcend time and space, although not in quite the same way as Dana and Rufus’s. For example, when Dana is in the past or present without Kevin, he is present in her mind always. Even when Dana returns to the past and Kevin has been stranded for five years, her thoughts are occupied with reaching him. Several times, she refers to him as her “anchor” because he is a constant reminder of home. Additionally, Alice and Dana’s connection is so clear that they even look and act alike. Each woman’s connection to Rufus is also persistent, much to their dismay. The recurring theme of familial bonds is almost as strong as the bonds themselves.

Other family connections across space and time are not so visible but are just as powerful. When Kevin and Dana consider getting married, they decide to first approach their families with the idea. Much to Kevin’s surprise, his sister is against him marrying a Black woman because her racist husband has influenced her. Dana’s family is also against the union; they would rather she marry a Black man. This disapproval casts a shadow over their marriage that follows them to the past where Kevin and Dana must pretend to be master and enslaved person. They literally embody the fears and prejudice that their families hold against them, while the people of the South cannot even imagine an interracial marriage. Thus, Dana and Kevin’s family judgements inherently persist over time and space as long as they are married. They cannot escape this family connection.

Butler never provides a logical explanation for Dana’s time travel, but perhaps that is the point. Family connection and the sacrifices we make for family are never logical; they just are. This is perhaps illustrated most clearly via Dana’s family Bible in which her lineage is traced back through the centuries. For Dana, it is a text as enduring as the connections it presents.

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