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John BoyneA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics.
Chapter Summaries & Analyses
Cyril is nearly 50, living in Dublin again, and Ignac has recently published another in a series of children’s books. Cyril works at the library of the Dáil Éirann and is reacquainted with Miss Ambrosia, who is both married and working due to the recent change in Irish law. They catch up one day in the tearoom, and Cyril again sees Catherine ordering the waitresses around. Miss Ambrosia reveals her anti-gay feelings when she tells Cyril that Mr. Denby-Denby “went and got himself murdered” (428) by a sex worker for being gay. She calls him “one of them” (428) and asks Cyril if he is, too. After Miss Ambrosia leaves, Catherine joins Cyril, asking him how he is doing and remembering him from their previous encounters. She looks at him as if they are close, and the look stays with Cyril long after their conversation is over.
Cyril is happy to be in his home again but notes how Bastiaan was murdered in a hate crime in Central Park. Cyril lost partial use of his leg in the attack.
When Charles went to prison the first time, Cyril was still a child and never allowed to visit. He always had a curiosity about prison since hearing about it from Julian’s gossip, so when Charles is imprisoned again and Cyril is nearly 50, he jumps at the chance to visit.
Cyril goes to the prison to visit Charles. Cyril finds that Charles has aged, but is happier to see him than usual, even hugging him and telling him he is happy to have adopted Cyril. Cyril continually has to remind Charles of what and who he is talking about and who he is. The conversation is laced with humorous moments, but it is clear that Charles is confused and suffering from memory problems. Despite Charles’s happy disposition, Cyril becomes concerned, and decides he will help Charles find a place to live when his sentence is over and find a doctor for him.
Cyril goes to a pub to watch a rugby game and finds Liam and his friend Jimmy there. Jimmy asks Cyril several inappropriate questions about his sex life and then discusses his own and Liam’s before returning his attention to the game. Cyril worries that Liam has no understanding of what a healthy relationship should look like. He thinks back to when he first saw Alice after Bastiaan’s death. He wrote her a letter explaining everything and apologizing, and several weeks later, she wrote back agreeing to meet. Cyril apologized again in person, admitting his shame in leaving Alice the way he did. He tried to explain his actions away, but Alice would not accept any of it. She became angry, telling Cyril he was a selfish liar, and revealing that Charles supported her after Cyril left. Alice asked about Julian’s death and why Cyril didn’t tell her before Julian died. She was relieved to know Cyril was present. When she brought out a picture of Liam to show Cyril, they both agreed he looks like Julian, but Cyril sees someone else in Liam.
When Cyril met Liam a year later after he turns 18, Cyril told him his life story from the time he met Julian. At the end, Liam walked away without much of a word, trying to process the information. In the present, they continue watching the game, but Cyril knows there is still great distance between himself and Liam.
A younger TD asks Cyril out on a date. The man wants to go somewhere discreet. In the meantime, Cyril attends Catherine’s retirement party, and confides in her about his date. Catherine confides in Cyril about her pregnancy and the baby she gave up before being called away by her friends for a photo. When Cyril goes on his date, he finds the man, Andrew, to be shallow, bigoted, and self-serving. Andrew only wants Cyril for sex, is only in politics to be successful, and has a fiancée he is deceiving. After discovering this, Cyril denies Andrew’s invitation to go home together.
Charles is diagnosed with a brain tumor and released from prison. Alice agrees to let Charles move in to the house at Dartmouth Square since she admires Charles and feels as though she owes him. Cyril and Alice are on better terms now, able to tease one another and have civil conversation; when Cyril teases Alice about getting back together, she says, “I’d rather bore a hole to the center of the earth with my tongue” (478). Alice has a new boyfriend living with her who is also named Cyril, and Charles moves in as well.
One day while Cyril is visiting Charles, Charles tells him that he has left all of his money as well as the rights to Maude’s books (now worth millions) to Cyril. Cyril is shocked but happily accepts. As Charles nears his death, Cyril asks to move in. Alice agrees. Charles finishes all of Maude’s books, expressing regret for not treating her better. When Cyril goes to bed, he lies in the same bed and room that he did as a child and thinks about how his life has come back to this point. A few days later, Charles dies, but not before telling Cyril he “came damn close” (486) to being a real Avery.
Cyril is 56 and invited to a literary festival with Ignac in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ignac’s wife, Rebecca, is busy at home with two sets of twins. Cyril compares watching Ignac and Maude at their readings: Maude read only once, hating the entire event and doing nothing but read from her novel for two hours; Ignac has been to dozens of events and enjoys fan interaction. When it is over three days later, Ignac suggests a trip to Maribor.
Maribor is where Ignac was born, and he wants to confront his past while he is in Slovenia. He solemnly takes Cyril through his old streets until they reach a small house. Afterward, they go to a pub and talk about the past, criticizing the injustices of the world. Cyril feels no guilt over what happened to Damir in Amsterdam. Ignac, too, has no remorse. Ignac reveals he has been in touch with Jack Smoot, who told Ignac that he sunk Damir’s body to the bottom of the canal.
Ignac’s grandmother walks into the pub and Ignac starts panicking. She criticizes Ignac for never giving her money and tells Cyril he is not Ignac’s father before Ignac throws some money at her to get her to leave. Ignac reveals that when he was a child, he discovered how to sell his body for money, and that when his grandmother found out, she decided to profit from it. Ignac ran away and found his father in Amsterdam, who did the same thing.
Cyril is sitting in the tearoom at the Dáil when a female TD approaches him, asking him personal questions. She finally reveals that she has a sister who is interested in dating him, and Cyril does his best to make it clear he is not interested without revealing his sexuality. As they talk, the television in the tearoom shows the World Trade Center in New York City being struck by a plane. Moments later, people begin jumping out of the windows. Cyril notices a reporter standing in the same spot where Bastiaan was murdered. The new manager of the tearoom insists on turning it off.
It’s Christmas morning and Liam’s wife, Laura, is about to give birth to their second son. As Cyril waits in the hospital with Alice and Laura’s parents, they converse about various topics. The conversation eventually turns to Cyril’s sexuality, as is often the case, and Cyril is once again forced to answer ridiculous questions. Ironically, when Cyril asks if Laura’s parents have any gay children, they answer that they do not, but they have a son who has been living with a man for several years. When Laura’s father implies that Bastiaan deserved what happened to him for being gay, Alice snaps at him, and thankfully Liam comes out in that moment holding his new son. Cyril asks to hold him, and Liam smiles, calling Cyril “Dad” for the first time.
The families disperse but Cyril decides to stay with Liam for a while. Before Alice leaves, she makes sure that Cyril will be coming for Christmas dinner, considering him part of the family now. Liam named his new son Julian, after the uncle who brought him up, and although Cyril feels envious, he loves baby Julian deeply and accepts Liam’s decision. Cyril and Liam grow closer as Liam lets go of his anger and Cyril allows himself to open up.
Cyril is on his way out of the hospital when he sees Mrs. Goggin in the chapel, crying. is She reveals that her son, Jonathan, died that day, and that he wasn’t the first son she lost. When she tells Cyril that she gave her first son up for adoption to “a little hunchbacked redemptorist nun” (532), the same story Cyril heard growing up, he at first does not register what she said. After he leaves, he realizes she is his mother. He runs back, asking the date of her first son’s birth, and when she reveals it, all becomes clear.
Cyril is 63 years old and Catherine is in her late seventies. They are on their way to Goleen. On the train ride, the contrast becomes clear between Cyril’s approach to aging and his mother’s. Cyril bears a crutch, neglects the possibility of finding love again, and avoids learning about new technology and trends—the opposite of his mother. Cyril asks Catherine why she never returned to Goleen before; she responds that it was a life she put behind her, and one that she knew had rejected her, too.
Cyril reflects that his reunion with his mother was complicated; hearing who he was came as an immense shock, and Cyril gave Catherine a few weeks before he wrote to her. They soon met up and found the atmosphere awkward at first. Cyril assured Catherine he harbored no ill feelings against her. She asked about his adoptive parents, to which Charles replied his childhood was adequate enough. He wanted to know about his mother’s life and how he came to exist, so she told him about Kenneth, her uncle in Goleen with whom she had an inappropriate and lengthy affair. Kenneth was guilt-ridden by the entire thing and begged Catherine never to tell a soul. Upon hearing all of this, along with how his mother gave birth, Cyril did not know what to say.
Cyril and Catherine arrive in Goleen and make their way to the church. They see the gravestones of Father Monroe and Kenneth, taking a moment to consider what these men’s actions meant to their lives. Catherine makes her way into the church, sitting in the same spot to remember the moment she was cast out as well as the way her family turned on her. A priest appears, expressing welcome, and Catherine takes that as her cue to leave, proud as ever.
Cyril’s mother is 86 and finally getting married. Cyril is happy for her but also deeply envious knowing how different his life might have been. He watches his grandson, George, and George’s new boyfriend Marcus. Cyril is only a few months away from death and his brain is deteriorating from a malignant tumor; although he is happy, he is also nostalgic and delusional, seeing and speaking with specters of the people in his life who are no longer alive.
On the way to the wedding, Cyril converses with the late Charles about the recent referendum to legalize gay marriage. Charles accuses Cyril of being part of the hate, listing off several of his tweets that personally targeted those voting “no.” Cyril defends himself, and Charles points out that bigotry was never meant to win. The car arrives, and Ignac’s family, along with Jack Smoot, can be seen waiting. Cyril waits for his mother inside the registration office along with the rest of Catherine’s family; he walks her down the aisle to a man he is confident will care for her long after he is gone. Cyril realizes that he is truly happy.
In the autumn of Cyril’s life, his world, his relationships, and his experiences begin to come full circle, and his character arc comes to completion. While living in Dublin again, Cyril does not find romantic love nor does he seek it; instead, he finds love in the people he once left behind and the family that formed around him. This demonstrates change and emotional and spiritual growth in Cyril; whereas in his youth he focused on affairs of passion and an unrealistic obsession with Julian, and after experiencing and losing mutual romantic “true” love with Bastian, he now seeks fulfillment in realistic and healthy relationships based on familial love and companionship. Alice accepts Cyril as a member of the family after some time, even demanding he show up for Christmas dinner. Cyril effectively refines his character and his actions in the later years of his life act as retribution for the mistakes he made when he was young. Cyril reads Maude’s books, finally understanding her in a way he never did as a child, and when Charles develops a brain tumor, Cyril stays with him in his final days, just as he did with Julian. Charles dies in Dartmouth Square, and Cyril remarks on the irony of staying in his own bedroom from his childhood again: “lying in that single bed looking through the skylight at the stars above, the same stars that I had stared at more than forty years earlier” (484).
Two journeys home again symbolize coming full circle as well. Catherine seeks to see Goleen again, and Ignac takes Cyril to his home in Slovenia. There, the past comes sweeping back, and Cyril watches as Ignac bravely confronts his pain. The relationships and experiences that Cyril discusses with Catherine and Ignac on these journeys add to the theme of The Interconnected Web of Human Life.
Throughout the novel, Boyne’s literary style is evident through his humor, detailed play-by-play descriptions of both ordinary and extraordinary events, his use of character portraits, and the structure of the novel itself. Boyne uses ironic, sarcastic, slapstick, and dry humor; these serve to characterize, illuminate setting and plot, expose the hypocrisies and ridiculousness of human nature, and to keep the reader’s heart light as they follow Cyril’s often dark and dismal existence. Boyne describes events as if they are happening in real time, rarely if ever describing the scenery or the setting itself but instead describing the people, their mannerisms and movements, and Cyril’s thoughts and emotions:
A moment later, however, he glanced over and smiled. I told myself to stand up, to go to his table, to sit down with him—God knows I had an obvious conversation starter with the book that he’d been reading—but for some reason I turned away. And then, before I could gather my courage, he stood up and to my frustration waved a hand toward the barman before leaving. ‘Your timidity is going to be the death of you, Cyril,’ said Jack Smoot, placing a fresh drink before me (327-28).
These moment-by-moment descriptions promote an immersive reading experience. Boyne also structures his novel in a purposeful manner, including a death at the end of every Book, showing how prejudice and hatred can so often lead to tragedy while also showing death as a consistent part of the human experience. Boyne also writes multiple climaxes into the latter half of the novel. Given that it takes place over the course of Cyril’s entire life, it is natural for there to be more than one peak moment; examples include Julian’s death, the discovery of Catherine as his mother, and the birth of Liam’s son.
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